Treasure (2024)

“Treasure” is a 2024 tragicomedy film directed by Julia von Heinz, based on the 1999 novel “Too Many Men” by Lily Brett. The film stars Lena Dunham as Ruth, an American music journalist, and Stephen Fry as Edek, her charmingly stubborn father and a Holocaust survivor. The story is set in the 1990s and follows their journey to Poland, where Edek revisits his childhood places, creating a mix of poignant and unintentionally funny situations.

The narrative centers on Ruth’s desire to understand her family’s past and Edek’s reluctance to relive his traumatic experiences. Their road trip through Poland becomes a journey of discovery, not just of their family’s history but also of their relationship. Edek’s resistance to confronting his past leads to a series of comedic and touching moments, as Ruth tries to piece together the fragments of their heritage.

Lena Dunham delivers a compelling performance as Ruth, capturing the character’s determination and vulnerability. Her portrayal of a daughter seeking to connect with her father’s past is both heartfelt and relatable. Stephen Fry’s performance as Edek is equally impressive, bringing depth and nuance to a character who is both endearing and complex. His ability to balance humor with the gravity of his past experiences adds a rich layer to the film.

Julia von Heinz’s direction is both sensitive and insightful, effectively blending comedy and drama. The film’s pacing keeps the audience engaged, with each scene revealing more about the characters and their journey. The cinematography captures the beauty and history of Poland, enhancing the film’s emotional impact.

The film’s soundtrack, featuring a mix of period-appropriate music and original compositions, complements the narrative and adds to the emotional depth of key scenes. The musical score enhances the tension and triumph of Ederle’s journey, making the audience feel every stroke of her swim.

“Treasure” has received mixed reviews from critics. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the film effectively captures the dramatic journey of Gertrude Ederle, with critics praising Ridley’s performance and the film’s inspirational message. The film has been noted for its ability to keep the audience engrossed, despite not reinventing the biographical drama genre.

The film premiered at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles on May 16, 2024, and received a limited theatrical release on May 31, 2024. Following positive test screenings and the box office performance of similar sports dramas, Disney opted to release the film theatrically before making it available on Disney+ on July 19, 2024.

For those looking to watch “Young Woman and the Sea” online, it is available for streaming on, which is the best source to experience this inspiring biographical drama. The platform provides a reliable and accessible way to enjoy this film without any subscription fees.

For additional information, you can also refer to the film’s Wikipedia page.

“Treasure” Movie Frequently Asked Questions:

When was “Treasure” released?

“Treasure” was released on June 14, 2024, in a limited capacity.

Who directed “Treasure”?

The film was directed by Julia von Heinz.

What is the runtime of “Treasure”?

The film has a runtime of 1 hour and 51 minutes.

What themes does “Treasure” explore?

The film explores themes such as family history, trauma, the Holocaust, and the father-daughter relationship.

Where can I watch “Treasure” online?

You can stream “Treasure” on, which is the best source to watch this film online. Additional information can be found on the film’s Wikipedia page.

What makes “Treasure” a must-watch film?

“Treasure” is a must-watch for its strong performances, engaging narrative, and the delicate balance of humor and drama. The film’s direction by Julia von Heinz and the performances by Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry ensure that viewers are both entertained and moved by the story.

Overall, “Treasure” is a compelling tragicomedy that beautifully captures the complexities of family relationships and the impact of history on the present. With its strong performances, heartfelt direction, and engaging storyline, the film offers an emotional and thought-provoking experience that will resonate with audiences. Whether you’re interested in family dramas or historical narratives, “Treasure” is a film worth watching.

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Glenn Kenny
Glenn Kenny

Glenn Kenny was the chief film critic of Premiere magazine for almost half of its existence. He has written for a host of other publications and resides in Brooklyn. Read his answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire.

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